It is our intention to include English Literature as a compulsory subject for O/L from 2017.
However those students who excel in the subjects of Fine Arts and aesthetic studies would be allowed to continue in their chosen subjects, if the parents appeal to the principal. The principal would, along with a panel of experienced teachers, interview the student and decide whether he/she could be allowed to continue in the chosen field of studies in fine arts.
In other words the school won’t allow any student, who is not extra ordinarily talented in fine arts subjects, to offer fine arts for O/L simply because that the student feel, that it is easy subject.
The management and the teaching staff promise our parents that every child who sits for English Literature at the O/L examination in 2017 onwards would receive at least an ordinary pass. That’s our ambition and we have well planed our strategy.
Out of 14 students sat for 2015 G.C.E. O/L examination, 11 got ‘A’ passes and 3 got ‘B’ passes for English Language. Only two students sat for English literature. One got ‘A’ pass and the other got ‘B’ pass. This result clearly shows the excellent standard of English language of our college.
Our fore-sight to make English literature compulsory from 2017 goes on the vision that the Sumedha College always tries to produce students of international standard. We always wish to see our students become recognized citizens in the educated society both nationally and internationally.
We strongly believe that an “A” pass in a fine arts subject (music, dancing, arts) may help the child to become a fine art teacher, but not in any other employment. Whereas, even an ordinary pass in English literature will certainly be an added qualifications.
Although the government up to now has used various methods to re-introduce English as a second language they have failed in their mission. But we are ready to face the challenge by being practical in our approach. With the government policy of inviting foreign investors into our country, a broad knowledge of English language would definitely be beneficial, to find high quality employment.
Below are some other good reasons for the management of Sumedha to make English Literature compulsory for the students.
  • It would make speaking English easy.
  • It would make the students to take a liking to English language and thereby encourage reading books.
  • Literature would help to learn English language in depth.
  • It would help in pronunciation.
  • It also would help to take a liking to English songs, drama and films.
As you know the leading and the most popular international language is English and knowing English language thoroughly will elevate our students to a higher pedestal in international arena. In summary, if you wish, your child to face the future challenges in the modern world, teaching English to the maximum is one of the best ways of helping him/ her.
Making English literature compulsory, does not mean, we are going to forget fine arts, certainly not. Music, Dancing and Arts will be taught and made use of, whenever possible in all school functions, competition to keep our students intact with Sri Lankan culture, our way of life, mental satisfaction, relaxation and enjoyment.
Please read this letter very carefully, consult others if necessary, and send us your comments.

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